Aaditya Tiwari
Jun 14, 2021

JS Self Reflection

πŸ“ HTML help us in showing images, text, links etc.

πŸ“ CSS help us in look and feel.

πŸ“ JS help us in interacting with our browser.

πŸ“ Details about events like onmouseover, onmousedown, onclick, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup etc.

πŸ“ document.write( ) help us in print something.

πŸ“ detail about html tags pre, p, br, b, div etc.

πŸ“ document.cookie contains πŸͺ cookies about the browser.

πŸ“ Detail about innerHTML and value property.
πŸ“ Detail about confirm, alert, and prompt keywords.

πŸ“ CSS properties like border, height, width, position etc.

πŸ“ Looping and ajax concept.

πŸ“ Detail about class HMLHttpRequest( ) which contain open, onload functions.

πŸ“ Detail about JSON.

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