Aaditya Tiwari
1 min readMay 9, 2021

Self Reflection: MongoDB
MongoDB day 1:

πŸ“ Data model is a way to plan a strategy to arrange or organise data in some way. Types: embedded and reference.

πŸ“ Mongodb is one of the document based database. It support sql ( structured data ) and nosql ( unstructured data )both.

πŸ“ In mongoDB record is known as document and table is known as collection.

πŸ“ Installation of mongodb

πŸ“ Some basic commands

πŸ“ Mongodb accept info in json format.

πŸ“ Integration of mongodb with python.

πŸ“ Detail about I/O operation, with the help of database how we can minimise the time complexity.

πŸ“ findOne( ), bydefault print output in pretty format.

πŸ“ explain( ), by default they print query planner for us but executionStats do explain in very detail.

πŸ“ Indexing concept in mongoDB help us in arranging data in sorting order ( comes under IXSCAN ). But we never recommend to use indexing for searching name, address etc. ( Comes under collection scan )

πŸ“ Aggregation help us in creating pipeline.

πŸ“ Mongodb has support master, slave architecture. Where master replicates the data in all the slaves. Slaves contains groups of data i.e they contain sharded data.

πŸ“ Cluster we can create on prem, using AWS service documentdb and using Atlas cloud by mongodb.

πŸ“ Detail about reference model.

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